Optical Painterly Effects (1999-2004)
A new paradigm and methods for special effects in images were proposed by artist and movie
producer Steven Hylen. Based on these methods, images resembling paintings were shown to be
formed using optical phase plates. This project studied the role of the mathematical and optical
properties of the phase plates in the development of these new art forms. As a results of this work,
a software developed in the ODALab was commercialized by SmartLens Corporation, a new 50mm lens for
special effects was optically designed, built, and tested, and compact imaging systems based on
microlenslet arrays were created and developed. This project overlaps with the texture synthesis
Additional References
J.P. Rolland, and
S. L. Hylen, "Painting cameras," Optics and Photonics News - Special Issue on Art
and Science, 10(7), 33-35, (1999).
Vesselin Shaoulov, Design and Assessment of Compact Optical Systems Towards Special Effects Imaging,
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Central Florida (2004)