ODALab RochesterLab Technologies People Publications Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources


Shaped lightpipes for producing uniform illumination.

Lens arrays for producing uniform illumination.

Simple Optics Simulations

In order to run the Matlab applications, you will have to download and install the Windows version of the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) onto your PC or Mac. For the Mac, you need be running Windows with Parallel or VMware.

This is an interactive application that displays surface plots and phase maps of the Zernike-annular polynomials.
Click here to start the application.   
Click here for instructions and examples

X3DOM Web Applications

These applications require an X3DOM capable web browser.

Wavefront Aberration 3D plots

This is an interactive web page that displays surface plots for the wavefront aberrations up to 4th order. Click here to go to the web page.